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Webinar 1: Person-driven Services: Identifying Goals & Service Needs
Presenter: Sara Murphy April 8th, 2021 2:30-4:00 pm This webinar will focus on utilizing the Positive Personal Profile and Life Skills Assessment to determine meaningful goals and areas of focus for each person served. Sara Murphy will discuss “discovery” methods, family engagement and how to integrate these tools and methods into your agency’s intake and service planning processes. |
Community of Practice
Facilitator: Sara Murphy April 22nd, 2021 2:30-4:00 pm CoP Teams will introduce themselves and the individual they targeted. The group will share how they used the profiling tools, what they found was MEANINGFUL for the person and what they learned from using the profiling tools. |
Webinar 2: Developing Service Plans, Individualized Schedules & Community Partners: Taking it to the Streets
Presenter: Sara Murphy May 6th, 2021 2:30-4:00 pm This webinar’s topic will be translating a Positive Personal Profile into meaningful goals, community activities and personal connections. The webinar will discuss how to “individualize” group services and tailor schedules. Sara Murphy will share ideas for scheduling and staffing community-based services—and identifying and approaching potential community partners. |
Community of Practice
Facilitator: Sara Murphy May 20th, 2021 2:30-4:00 pm Teams will discuss their ideas on how and where they plan to teach the skills based on their individual’s profile and skills assessment. Teams will share their ideas regarding resources/potential teaching sites in their local communities. Group will discuss ways to outreach and connect with potential community partners, how to measure success (data collection) and build individualized, person-centered schedules. |
Webinar 3: Encouraging Independence
Presenter: Sara Murphy June 10th, 2021 2:30-4:00 pm One of the goals of meaningful day services and community-based training is social self-sufficiency and independence. This webinar will focus on teaching independence, fading support services and mitigating the risks of being in the world. Webinar 4: Creating Pathways to Community Integrated Employment
Presenter: Dale Verstegen July 8, 2021 2:30-4:00 pm Work is the foundation of a Meaningful adult life. Using day services to encourage employment, explore potential work options and build employability should be a major focus of your Day Services. This webinar discussion will look at “braiding services” and blurring the line between day and work services teams. |
Community of Practice
Facilitator: Sara Murphy June 24th 3:30-5:00 pm An opportunity to 1) share accomplishments, insights and lessons learned, 2) brainstorm continuing challenges and 3) identify next steps for individuals, teams and Illinois’s new community of practice. Community of Practice
Facilitator: Dale Verstegen July 22, 2021 2:30-4:00 PM Idea: Using Venn’s to brainstorm ideas? Present a profile and skills assessment—do breakout rooms and have the teams do venn diagrams and have the team identify 5 potential employers in their local communities that match the profile. |
Webinar 5: The Wisconsin Experience: BPPD’s Building Full Lives Project
August 12th, 2021 2:30-4:00 pm
The final webinar will present an overview of Wisconsin’s Board for People with Development Disabilities’ Building Full Lives Project, a 5-year project to spark and support integrated, person-centered services throughout the state. BPDD’s Project leads and BFL provider agencies will share the lessons learned and ideas for fostering community connections, encouraging independence and increasing employment outcomes for people with I/DD.
August 12th, 2021 2:30-4:00 pm
The final webinar will present an overview of Wisconsin’s Board for People with Development Disabilities’ Building Full Lives Project, a 5-year project to spark and support integrated, person-centered services throughout the state. BPDD’s Project leads and BFL provider agencies will share the lessons learned and ideas for fostering community connections, encouraging independence and increasing employment outcomes for people with I/DD.