Turning Lemons into Lemonade
Rita Potter, Executive Director Gene Stephens, Associate Director Open Door Rehabilitation Center With COVID throwing lemons at organizations, early on Open Door made the commitment to come off the pandemic better than we went in. During this session we will discuss all areas of significant and creative changes the organization made in multiple areas, including, programs, staff, and management that have proved a positive impact |
The Generational Puzzle: Succession Planning and Talent Management
Nichole Johnson, Area Vice President Gallagher Numerous factors are causing the nature of work to change. Now more than ever, it is important that professionals recognize the incredible opportunity to position their organizations for sustainable and meaningful growth. We will share the four life/career stages and discuss how to best attract and retain employee at each stage. In this session, we’ll describe the forces at play, the new leadership literacies needed and how to build them through intentional practice. View session flyer here. |
Infinite Worlds of the DSP: Making Training Fun!
John Pingo, Ph.D., CEO Tiffany Kragenbrink, VP of Staff Development Goldie B. Floberg Center Think of the word "Fun". Does staff training pop into your mind when you think "fun"? If it doesn't, good news! That can be changed. We can change training from PowerPoint slides with unending bullet points and lectures consisting of monotonous monologues to an experience more akin to playing pulse pounding video games or trying to work with friends to get out of an escape room. By applying gamification concepts and psychological research findings related to learning and memory, we can make any learning experiencing more fun and engaging. Whether you're looking for ideas for DSP training, leadership training, or just looking to get free, cool swag, energy drinks and snacks, we've got you covered! Join us for a fast-paced, interactive 1-hour trip to fun town! |
The Post-Pandemic Unpack: How Disruption Teaches Us to Unlearn
Shannon Benaitis, PHR, CEO/Chief Consultant Albatross Training Solutions Instead of more presentations or articles about what we have learned from the pandemic, let's talk about what the closures and disruption can help us un-learn. We have an unprecedented opportunity to shift our paradigms, dismantle systems that uphold inequity, and examine policies and procedures with a more critical and practical eye than ever before. Many of us have been guilty of operating and leading our agencies with a fixed mindset about how organizations should run and what organizational culture should feel like. We made a lot of assumptions that we now know were wrong. But knowing is only part of the unpacking process. It's what you decide to do with that knowledge that is going to matter from here. Don't waste this opportunity to explore different paths to goal achievement, create alternative definitions of productivity or performance, and understand why communicating more doesn't always mean talking more. We'll also discuss how to get out of your own way when it comes to your attitudes about schedule and worksite flexibility, which is the most valuable weapon you've got in the recruiting and retention battle- yes, even when it comes to essential staff like DSPs. |